The Reason For Words

And every time I see your face, the oceans lead out to my heart


*If you can recall (obviously not, right?), I copied and pasted most of the paragraphs here from past updates on my site(s).

Most of you know me, Kioku, as the animanga obsessed abnormal freak owner of my past website, Koko ni... Those who knew me from there know that I stole reused this layout, which appeared as Version 4 of Koko ni. I'm only going to use this layout for now as version one, until I come up with an idea for version two. At the time I opened IRO!Hitsuzen, I didn't have much inspiration, thus I just used my old layout.

I guess I like experimenting on graphics. Most of my layouts are experiments, or rather, me playing with all the available materials I have on my canvas. I could never sit down and say to myself, "Okay, let's get started on that layout! I've been needing to change it these past weeks..." and create a layout intentionally. They always come out unintentionally to me. ^^;

Normally, (If you know me well enough) I would make the layout background the same color as the header background color, right? Well, this time I didn't, and I went with something different. The layout background color adds some emphasis the header, at least in my opinion. xD. I reused a lot of the colors I used for V3 of Koko ni, but this current version is a more yellow and green; the last one was more blue and green.

On this one, I used a lot of so-called "typography". Most of them are lyrics from Bleach's first ending, "Life is Like a Boat"; but otherwise, some are just random sentences. Random such as, "Aa, sou desu ka? (Oh, is that so?)", "Hontou desu ka? (Really?)". I included some English in my header as well. Japanese text just looks so pretty on graphics.

This icon used for this layout was made some two months ago (when I made the layout), which inspired my V4 two months later. Funny, huh.

By the way, the lyrics on the navigation, the title of this content area (the <h3>), along with a few of the lines on the layout image, are lyrics from Life is Like a Boat by Rie Fu, Bleach's first ED.


Bold Italic Underline Strikeout Link

"Sometimes, I wish I were like the rain. If I were, then would I have a way to connect two hearts together, the way the rain connects the earth and the sky, even though they never touch?"
Orihime Inoue, Episode 12.

Credits: IRO!Hitsuzen, One Manga, Overtherainbow, Animepaper