With this layout, my goal was to add a right-oriented layout to my collection of works - where previously I only had 1, and that was Creativity Splat... I'm not proud of that one, even back then, so I wanted to update my layout "portfolio". My second goal was to use manga screencaps in a sort of collage-like composition, showcasing the more upbeat and resolute parts of Edward Elric. I tried to throw in some moments of sadness, but it was too serious for this more fun, scrapbook kind of concept. I wanted to throw in a sort of teal filter, meaning to make the white parts of the header teal, and the black areas more red, for contrast - but adding colour definitely took away from the paint splatter, so I left the manga caps grayscale to let the paint splatter shine.
This is also my first time trying a custom scrollbar in what seems like forever - I totally forgot that those were a thing. While doing some digging, I found out they were widely customizable on Internet Explorer for a time, but eventually browsers stopped supporting the old method (scrollbar-base-color). But now you can still create custom scrollbars, with the help of WebKit, ::-webkit-scrollbar).
About the layout
bold underline italic strikeout normal link
To enable images with a border: <img src="blah.jpg" id="border">
This is a blockquote.
To enable images with a border: <img src="blah.jpg" id="border">
Listening to: Onamatope Megane, by Nekobolo ft. Hatsune Miku
Currently watching: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood